Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Creative Goal Setting IV

Whether you use a journal, do active imagination, automatic drawing, or any other of the techniques I've shown you so far, one thing you may consider is that if you take time every day to reherse your goal or sense of goal, your goal will become more and more a part of your life so that you will begin to spend more and more time actualizing it and making it real.

Get into what it feels like to be in your goal. It isn't just an idea. It's a feeling, a sense of self. Your goal has to be something that you enjoy being as well as doing. Spend time feeling and visualizing what it is like to have your goal working out and unfolding in your life the way you want it to. It starts with a feeling. It's not about who you are; it's about what you are.

Consider this: I am here for ____. I do ____. See the picture of it. Get the sense of it. You may be surprised. Sometimes what comes up from the Unconscious is very different from the way we have our lives arranged. Let that happen.

Many of us were just put into jobs and situations by outside pressures without saying no, without questioning what it is we really are and what it is we really want to do. We may have beliefs that we have to live according to some pattern that others expect of us when we are not at all allowing ourselves to develop our own inborn talents. Neglecting our inborn talents is no different from self-abandonment and neglect. That makes us very sad and discouraged in life.

We are here to be what we are, nothing else. When you are in touch with what you are you begin to blossom as a person and bear the fruits of your talents. When you do that, you are happy. Happiness is a core experience. It really depends on nothing other than being. When you are genuinely what you are you are happy. Doing what you are here to do is how happiness blossoms in your life.

It has been said that the goal of life is happiness. If the goal of life is happiness then you may see that being yourself and doing what comes of your innate talent is how you may become happy. Spend time everyday allowing yourself to sense, feel, and see what your talent is. Embrace your talent and devote your attention, energy and time to develop it. It will flower if you do. When it flowers, you will get ideas how to bring it out into the world and make money with it. If you put the cart before the horse and think on money first, you end up all the poorer in life.

Wealth is everything. It includes money along with everything else that makes life enjoyable including spiritual well-being. You don't need a lot of money to be wealthy. Instead, you need to be wealthy to get a lot of money. Being wealthy means being yourself fully, cultivating yourself and your talents fully.

When you have your goals clearly in mind, list the resources you have or will need to have to help you realize your goals. These resources may include other people, organizations, and so on.

Working with your obstacles or burdens

Consider carefully what your obstacles and burdens are. This may take you some time to make clear to yourself. Your obstacles may have to do with your health, your living situation, your relationships, your career problems and financial issues. What is most important is that you transform to make these obstacles into stimulants for personal growth. Don't look for trick solutions to your obstacles unless you want to make your obstacles bigger. Solutions to problems come up naturally as you develop and evolve, handling all the limitations that life presents with genuine kindness. Nothing remains the same even though it seems that nothing changes sometimes.
When you have named your obstacles or areas of your life that seem obstructed, go out and find little stones that will represent to you these obstacles, one stone for each obstacle you have defined.
When you have collected your stones, wash them off and put them in a bowl. Then pour water on them as if you were refreshing them.
Put the bowl of stones in water on a table or mantle so you have something tangible to contemplate having to do with your obstacles. In time as you contemplate your obstacles, you will notice that the obstacles are changing and are giving you openings and new solutions for your development so that instead of being obstacles they are really working for you as grounding devices from the Unconscious that, if you continue working with, will bring you to the fulfillment of your goals. Make this a practice. It is very simple and affective.

Raphael Simons

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