Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Creative Goal Setting IV

Whether you use a journal, do active imagination, automatic drawing, or any other of the techniques I've shown you so far, one thing you may consider is that if you take time every day to reherse your goal or sense of goal, your goal will become more and more a part of your life so that you will begin to spend more and more time actualizing it and making it real.

Get into what it feels like to be in your goal. It isn't just an idea. It's a feeling, a sense of self. Your goal has to be something that you enjoy being as well as doing. Spend time feeling and visualizing what it is like to have your goal working out and unfolding in your life the way you want it to. It starts with a feeling. It's not about who you are; it's about what you are.

Consider this: I am here for ____. I do ____. See the picture of it. Get the sense of it. You may be surprised. Sometimes what comes up from the Unconscious is very different from the way we have our lives arranged. Let that happen.

Many of us were just put into jobs and situations by outside pressures without saying no, without questioning what it is we really are and what it is we really want to do. We may have beliefs that we have to live according to some pattern that others expect of us when we are not at all allowing ourselves to develop our own inborn talents. Neglecting our inborn talents is no different from self-abandonment and neglect. That makes us very sad and discouraged in life.

We are here to be what we are, nothing else. When you are in touch with what you are you begin to blossom as a person and bear the fruits of your talents. When you do that, you are happy. Happiness is a core experience. It really depends on nothing other than being. When you are genuinely what you are you are happy. Doing what you are here to do is how happiness blossoms in your life.

It has been said that the goal of life is happiness. If the goal of life is happiness then you may see that being yourself and doing what comes of your innate talent is how you may become happy. Spend time everyday allowing yourself to sense, feel, and see what your talent is. Embrace your talent and devote your attention, energy and time to develop it. It will flower if you do. When it flowers, you will get ideas how to bring it out into the world and make money with it. If you put the cart before the horse and think on money first, you end up all the poorer in life.

Wealth is everything. It includes money along with everything else that makes life enjoyable including spiritual well-being. You don't need a lot of money to be wealthy. Instead, you need to be wealthy to get a lot of money. Being wealthy means being yourself fully, cultivating yourself and your talents fully.

When you have your goals clearly in mind, list the resources you have or will need to have to help you realize your goals. These resources may include other people, organizations, and so on.

Working with your obstacles or burdens

Consider carefully what your obstacles and burdens are. This may take you some time to make clear to yourself. Your obstacles may have to do with your health, your living situation, your relationships, your career problems and financial issues. What is most important is that you transform to make these obstacles into stimulants for personal growth. Don't look for trick solutions to your obstacles unless you want to make your obstacles bigger. Solutions to problems come up naturally as you develop and evolve, handling all the limitations that life presents with genuine kindness. Nothing remains the same even though it seems that nothing changes sometimes.
When you have named your obstacles or areas of your life that seem obstructed, go out and find little stones that will represent to you these obstacles, one stone for each obstacle you have defined.
When you have collected your stones, wash them off and put them in a bowl. Then pour water on them as if you were refreshing them.
Put the bowl of stones in water on a table or mantle so you have something tangible to contemplate having to do with your obstacles. In time as you contemplate your obstacles, you will notice that the obstacles are changing and are giving you openings and new solutions for your development so that instead of being obstacles they are really working for you as grounding devices from the Unconscious that, if you continue working with, will bring you to the fulfillment of your goals. Make this a practice. It is very simple and affective.

Raphael Simons

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creative Goal Setting III

Based on the work you have been doing, it's now time to put your ideas and intentions into time frames. Look over at your goals and get the sense of which you may want to attain in a period of, let's say, twenty or more years; which you want to attain in ten years or seven years; which you want to attain in five years or three years; and which you want to attain within one year. In the exercise from last week, we determined that we have physical, emotional, and mental-creative goals. In this exercise, we want to place these different physical, emotional and mental-creative goals in different time frames. Therefore set your goals in time frames according to whether they are physical, emotional or mental. You may discover that your goals in one catagory become more important to you than your goals in another in one or another period of time. That is natural and OK. What you want to do is get a sense of maping out your course so that you give yourself the best chance to bring out all of your potentialities in life.

Active Imagination

In doing this kind of maping you may want to work with active imagination as described in last week's notes. In doing active imagination in relation to setting goals in time, write down a specific goal or a set of ideas having to do with goals or ideas about goals that you want to make more conscious and begin a dialogue with different parts of yourself. For example, you may give voice to your physical self, your emotional self and your mental-creative self. If you do this you will see what needs attention now, what wants attention in the nearer future, and what wants attention in the more distant time projection. In doing active imagination, you also can access the innermost wisdom aspect of yourself simply by beginning to write as that aspect of yourself. It will come to the fore and give you a lot of insight that will help you to determine what exactly it is you want to do and when you want to do it. When doing active imagination this way, you may also become more aware of how the world around you is giving you messages in a sincronous way. The Unconscious works in surprising ways at times. You may get important answers from out of the blue. Trust your imagination.

The Will

This is an important step in goal setting. You have to develop a firm will in order to get where you want to go.

Consider these questions:

Are you easily influenced by other people so that you doubt yourself?
Does the will of other people override your own decisions?
Are your decisions influenced and put aside because of feelings of depression, fear or anger?
Do you procrastinate?
Do you give in to habits?
Are you easily distracted?
Do you entertain paralyzing doubts?

Exercises for Developing Will Power

To intensify and discover your will, use it. Activate it in everyday situations in your life. Do what you decide to do and don't waver. Do this as an exercise. Start out with things you will have no problem doing. Don't try to act willfully too much or the Will will rebel. One step at a time.

Here are some possible exercises. You can invent others at will.

Decide to do something you never did before and do it.

Do something that takes courage.

Make a plan and follow it through to the end without stopping. Whatever it is, do it everyday until it is completed.

Do whatever you are doing more slowly and for more time than usual.

Say "no" when it is right for you to say "no" even though it is easier to say "yes."

Do what is most important to do first. Make a list of things to do every day and do them without putting something in the way. Say "no" to intrusions.

When facing a minor choice, choose without hesitation.

Act contrary to your routine. Re-organize your routine.

Do what you want, not what other people say.

Refrain from saying anything when you feel the impulse to say something.

Postpone something you want to do now; and start something now that you want to postpone.

Decisively eliminate something from your life that you don't want.

Decisively break a habit you don't want anymore.

Do something that makes you feel insecure.

Carry out an action with complete concentration as if it were the last action you will ever do in your life.

If you do these kinds of acts of Will you will greatly strengthen your will power and make it far easier for yourself to attain your chosen goals.

Raphael Simons

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Creative Goal Setting II

Here is an exercise to help you create a future goal. It consists of five steps.

Step 1. Think of where you will be in the future. Notice what it looks like in as full detail as you can.

Step 2. See yourself in this future world you are creating in your imagination. See yourself achieving your goals. Notice all the details. Get a sense of what that looks and feels like.

Step 3. Define your goal as best as you are now able to. See your goal positively; it is what you do and have, not what you avoid. It is something you want to do and have, not feel compelled to do or have. You are doing it, not someone else; what is it that YOU are doing? Make your goal as specific as possible, not general. Consider how your goal affects all areas of your life as well as the lives of those you know. How is your goal going to change the total picture of your life?

Step 4. Take your time to envision all details of your life through achieving your goal. What does it look like, feel like; how do you feel in it physically and emotionally; how is it changing the way you see and understand your life; how does it affect your relationships; what kinds of situations does it bring you into; see it in full dimentionality. You may want to write all this down in your journal. You may even want to draw pictures of it.

Step 5. Consider the pathway toward the goal. It helps sometimes to see the path going backwards from your goal to your present situation and note the steps from the future to the present. Then view your pathway from your present situation to your future goal. Write down all that you can about the pathway that you see.

Active Imagination Exercise

Active imagination is when you write down your feelings, thoughts, hopes and wishes, and so on, and then let another part of you write its views and feelings in response to what you are writing. You enter a dialogue between different parts of your personality in Active Imagination. When you do this, you are able more and more to see a larger picture of your personality and your talents, and, as this happens, you are more and more able to see what it is that you want in your life. This exercise will open many windows. You can do this exercise very easily especially when you write down an interesting dream and then begin to communicate with the dream figures, that is to say, communicate with the different people in your dreams. Write to them and let them write back to you. It is like role playing. You may be surprised at how much you will discover.
Your goal in active imagination is to get the answer to your question about what you want to do in the future in your career. You can do active imagination for other areas of your life as well. Active imagination is a great exercise used in healing work, by the way.
You may want to get into a dialogue with the part of yourself that is interested in making more money. You may want get into a dialogue to the part of yourself that is interested in developing creative work, or that part of you that wants to play a more meaningful role in society, and so on. Active imagination is essentially an inner dialogue that you are writing down and developing in your journal. It is wonderful when you can go back and read the messages you are writing back and forth. You are writing letters to parts of yourself and are recieving letters in response from those inner parts of yourself. Give yourself time to do this. It can be a very enriching experience and will help solve many questions.

Another Approach to Finding Out What You Want To Do

You can look at yourself as a being with different levels or dimentions, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

1. In your journal write down your physical goals, your goals for your physical health, your sexuality, your living environment, your home, and your finances. Be specific.

2. Write down your emotional goals, your personal life, your relationships, your social relationships, your family relationships; what do you want to attain in these? What do you want to feel? How do you want to be with the people in your life? Are there any relationships that need healing, reconciling, more attention, less attention? What conditions do you want to have for yourself in your emotional life? Be as specific as possible.

3. Write down your mental, intellectual, spiritual, creative goals. It is necessary in this not to be concerned with what limits you. Write down what you want free of concerns of any or all limitations. Let your imagination go free in this step.

4. Ask yourself about your physical, emotional, and mental/spiritual/creative goals in different time frames. First, if you have several decades to live, what are your goals? Second, if you have ten years to live, what are your goals? Third, if you have five years to live, what are your goals? Fourth, if you have two years to live, what are your goals? Fifth if you have one year to live, what are your goals? Sixth, if you have six months to live, what are your goals?

5. Consider yourself as if you were your grandchild talking about her grandparent who passed away. What would you have to say about yourself that way? How will you be remembered. What did you do in your life that you are remembered for? How was your life summed up? Write all this down in your journal.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Creative Goal Setting 1.

The purpose of what I have to offer you in these blog articles is to help you discover and realize your own purpose in life, what you have in your innermost essence to bring to light to create, to accomplish. Take your own process to heart; sooner or later you will accomplish your vision and you will shine. It is not difficult to do this when you are patient with yourself; it is the best journey you will ever take. In the process you may find old habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and believing that no longer work for you and that you may want to change, or transform. Part of what I offer you, therefore, includes interesting and enjoyable methods of inner-work that you can use to transform your life so that you can emerge as yourself authentically.

The first thing you need to do is to start keeping a journal. Your journal is like a workbook. It is an indispensible tool. You will use your journal for working through your inner processes, writing down your dreams, drawing pictures and commenting about what they mean, doing active imagination writing, writing about your experiences and feelings, working out your plans, and so on. You may think of your journal as the mirror of your unconscious. You don't have to write in it every day, but it is good to write in it frequently, whenever you want to. What your mirror-book is going to allow you to do is see what is in your unconscious. Your unconscious is the wellspring of your inner resources. When you access this wellspring and come to work with it creatively, you are able to transform your entire situation in life. It is a wonderful adventure.
To keep your journal, write the date, i.e., the day, month and year of each entry. It also helps to note the weather and seasonal changes at the time of each notation. Or, if you practice astrology, note the lunar position and any noteworthy planetary aspects happening at the time of each journal entry. Sooner or later you will see how your personal life patterns evolve and change with the natural course so that you will become more and more able to navigate your way and successfully realize your aims.
Your journal is for you alone. Nobody else need see it. Be totally free with it; write and draw everything you want to write and draw.

This is a wonderful exercise that gives complete freedom to the unconscious and lets it communicate with your conscious mind. You don't have to have any skill as an artist to do this. All you need to do is draw whatever comes to mind. You may want to get crayons or colored pencils or pens to do this. Open your journal to a blank page. Clear your mind. Just become the observer of what is about to happen. Begin to draw whatever comes up. Let yourself draw with no conscious willing; just watch like a spectator. You are letting it happen, not making it happen. Sooner or later you will feel like the drawing is done. When your drawing is done, look at it and let the impressions it makes come to mind, then begin to write down your impressions and observations in your journal. You will begin to make discoveries about what you have going on in your unconscious mind this way. Even if you can't make head or tail of what you have drawn, keep it. Eventually its meanings will open to you. These drawings are almost like dreams. A dream always has many levels of meaning; so your drawings have many levels of meaning.
You can do this exercise every day. The process will bring up clues to what you want to do in life that you may not even be aware of yet.

Working with the unconscious is working with the deep inner-wellspring of your talents and potentials. As we go along together I will teach you powerful methods of self-hypnosis and autosuggestion that you can use to help access your deepest inner resources. As you do this process-work you may discover that you are moving forward in life more and more easily and making the changes that you really want to make. And as you are making these welcome changes, you may find that desirable opportunities are coming to you from out of the blue that you were never before aware of. Sooner or later you are on your own road to success in life. You will emerge from the morass of your troubles to the light of day, free and prosperous, doing what you truly want to do, what you are here in this life to do from your own self-essence.

So, what follows is this question that you need to ask yourself now: What am I creating? Write this question in your journal and spontaneously write down all of your responses. It doesn't matter what they are. Don't deliberate over your answers. It is best simply to write down your responses. Even if they seem absurd, write them. Everything has meaning. Sooner or later you will find out

by Raphael Simons
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